What is LegalMoves?

LegalMoves is a current awareness service tracking lawyers and other professional staff as they move positions within the legal marketplace. It is available in two formats. Firstly, as a twice monthly pdf document which indexes the information in a number of ways to maximise accessibility. All information is referenced A-Z within separate groups so that you can easily find information on a particular firm or chambers, an individual, a job function, an area of specialisation or a geographic region. Secondly, the LegalMoves database which can be subscribed to as an individual product or as a joint package with our pdf service.

LegalMoves Database

The online service has powerful search tools, offering either free-text searching or detailed index searching. The free-text approach allows extensive combinations of terms to be searched. The indexed element offers filtered searching so that as each search term is applied the other searchable sectors are reduced to those entries that are applicable to the previous search term only. This significantly speeds up searching and eliminates time wasting zero results. For all searching a current count of hits is shown on screen as the

search progresses.

LegalMoves can help you with:

> business development

> marketing support

> database management

> competitor intelligence

> monitoring areas of specialisation

> current awareness

> alumni & networking

> public relations

> human resources

> recruitment support


With LegalMoves one subscription offers multi- department, organisation-wide access to the service. There is no need to worry about usage levels as one annual subscription allows unlimited access.

Free Trial

We are keen for you to take a look at the system so that you can evaluate the benefits to your organisation. To request a free trial click here.



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